Watoo Watoo, voulant rendre un hommage aux deux icônes machos que sont Michel Sardou et Lou Reed, a décidé d'interpréter un morceau fusionnant les œuvres maitresses de ces deux chanteurs : Etre femme et Walk on the wild side, ce qui donne logiquement la chanson "Walk on the wild femme des années 80" de Michel Sardou Reed. (this text is in French as it would be nonsense
for people who don't understand French
The Golden Castle, live on TV7 Bordeaux, November 2004 These two videos look & sound fine, as they were recorded for a local TV channel. Four songs (the other two are 'Perdu' & 'Ne pas croire') and an interview were recorded & broadcasted several times in
Les reflets, recorded at home, July 2007 These 3 songs feature Michaël struggling with a toy guitar & Pascale singing
at home, in the living-room. They were shot on a tiny digital camera by a friend, Philippe Ames. This is for hardcore Watoo Watoo lovers only!
I Could Never Run that Fast, 1998. This video was done at home in 1 hour; the actors are Ernie aka Ernest from Sesame Street & French orange Dinosaurus
star, Casimir.