Some new photos! (c) Miguel Ramos, photoshop editing by mk

Watoo Watoo à la poste
Watoo Watoo n'a peur de rien 

Ok, it was time to update the photos (June 2001)


Both photos were shot by Sly, June 2001


Paris Popfest (April 1998)

You can see Didier, from the band "Christine" play the guitar with us (he's on the left).
Actually, you can't see him at all, 'cause I've played a bit with Photoshop.
(Didier is the guy who plays most of the guitars on our recordings)


(JB Bouin kindly shot these photos)

New York Popfest (January 1997)

(Rich "Concentric" kindly shot these photos)

You can see some photos of us playing at the popfest at the NY Popfest Homepage.

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