marketing research is really very interesting but to be a pop star isn't bad either.
This is the reason why I still haven't published in JCR ;-)

You might also be interested in SEM Stats, an Excel spreadsheet that will compute various SEM related indices (reliability, validity & much more)

Areas of interest:
brand knowledge, brand image, brand equity, brand trust, spam, sales promotion, internet, wine marketing, celebrity marketing

Centres d'intérêt :
Connaissance de la marque, image de marque, capital-marque, confiance dans la marque, promotion des ventes, soldes, spam, internet, marketing des célébrités, marketing du vin.

Je suis membre du CA & du bureau de l'
Association Française du Marketing (AFM)

Michaël Korchia

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Michaël Korchia
la recherche en marketing.
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I'm a marketing professor at KEDGE BS, France.