Here you can download an Excel spreadsheet that could be useful to you, SEMers
If you use Structural Equations Models (SEM) for your research, you probably need to compute some values by hand.
SEM Stats computes Rho vc (AVE), Jöreskog's rho & much more


Click here to download SEM Stats
 (version 1.3)

What this Excel file does:

    * Chi-square comparison test
    * Computation of the lambda & uniqueness for a latent variable with 1 indicator
    * Computation of the GammaHat (Steiger, 1980)
    * Computation of RMSEA (& a 90% confidence interval)
    * Computation of Rho vc (AVE or Average Variance Extracted)& Jöreskog's rho, to assess validity & composite reliability of a latent variable
    * Computation of Cronbach's alpha and "What if..." (I add or remove some items)

What this Excel file will never do:

    * Help you build a good model

If you want to know more about me:
Michaël Korchia, my website