We have a long way to catch up!!!

16 November 2013
Aurore lives in Grenoble, Michaël in Bordeaux, Pierre is still in Paris... We're so far from each other that the band has been on a hiatus for all those years. BUT.
We had started recording 4 songs in 1998 & 1999. And we had this Cat's Miaow cover. And this charming home demo of a song by Aurore. So Michaël decided to mix all these tunes from a scratch, and, 15 years after the first notes were recorded, Mumbly has at last a new CDep out in 48 hours on Dufflecoat Records!

18 February 2004
We are seriously working on the new design of the webpage. As all new things, it is also improved, with a 20% free bonus, comes with a chance to win a trip to the Caribbean and works even at low temperatures.

23 October 2003
After 4 years of being a cyber-popgroup, with band members split over France and Germany and even within France over several cities, which significantly slowed down band activities, Autumn 2003 sees the rebirth of Mumbly on the (wet) Southern Atlantic coast - well, at least for 2/3 of it. Although modern telecommunication means make it possible to record songs even a thousand kilometers apart (see below), every sensible person would admit it is hard to rehearse a gig with a bass in Bordeaux, a guitar in Paris, and another in Munich (probably at the Octoberfest by the way). Reading we used to rehearse might come as a surprise to those who always thought we rehearsed on stage, to save time.

10 August 2003
Finally! The computer has been switched on again and news of Mumbly come flooding in! The question is: what has happened to Mumbly in this long silence. Some of you might think that we were busy (but doing what...) and did not have time to:
1- play music
2- update the webpage
3- both
but we come up with a more natural and reasonable explanation. Our bassist Michaël was kidnapped by a group of activists, the TDBB (Turn Down the Bass Brigade), who demanded a ransom high enough to buy our supplies of fig biscuits for one whole week! They told us in a very threatening voice to put the money in a big bag if we wanted to see him again, to which we replied "keep him". But they didn't. We assume he babbled them to death.
Anyhow with our bassist again on top form, we recorded a track for a compilation of covers of Cat's Miaow songs. The instigator of this brilliant idea is Siu Hoi Leung from Hong Kong. We covered the song "Troisième étage", a 1'50 number that we recorded in something like 6 months. Upon hearing the master after it was done, I kind of think Michaël did not stay long enough in captivity...