mumbly's story

Michaël is a nice young man from the sad northern suburbs of the Paris area. He is very proud of himself because he wears glasses. He spends most of his time looking out of his window at the giant mushroom in the yard. Very young, he earns a little money by travelling about in the country and exposing his enormous tongue at freak shows in village fetes. Back in Paris, he goes to a record shop and spends his money on a Felt album. It is like a revelation. Michaël then decides that from now on, he will stop wearing pink socks. He is known for being always at least 20 minutes late at rehearsals. His inability to ride a bicycle earns him renown throughout Belgium. Later, his inability to ride a quad (a sort of motorbike on four wheels) earns him renown in a Tunisian hospital. Also, he is the only man I know who can shave in more than 6 hours.

Pierre (aka Pit) is also from the Paris area, but nobody ever quite understood exactly where from. A master at cooking, he perfects during his years of unemployment the recipes of tuna couscous and pasta with sardines. His major musical influences are Bonney M and Pascal Obispo (he will kill me for writing this), but he occasionally listens to Therapy? to show off. Most of the time, he practices tapping on the guitar, an art he's become amazingly skilled at.

Aurore grew up in an igloo in the shade of the Grenoble mountains. She likes to spend her days unsorting the shelves in record shops (and calls that "revolution"). One night, as she is unenthusiastically doing her homework (which tells you how long ago this was), she hears St. Christopher on the radio, and swears she will buy all of their records. She later moves to Paris, where she quickly becomes incredibly knowledgeable about Irish pubs in the Latin Quarter. It is also in Paris that she meets a stuffed pig called Bob. She is known for having once started playing a song at a gig, and only realised during the chorus that the rest of the band was playing something else. She occasionally plays the guitar with Maurice Deebank, which makes Michaël very jealous.

The early days of Mumbly

(told in less than 200 words)

The legend says they met outside a bar after having been kicked out of the bar for excessive rudeness, but you know what we think about legends.

After leaving the band "Christine" because their songs were too long (or another poor excuse like this), Michaël formed Mumbly with the hope to play some nice songs and spread the word of POP. Little did he know he would spend more time looking for musicians than actually playing songs. Forming Mumbly took some five years.

But, somehow, things settled. Michaël was very impressed that Pierre could play the six strings of his guitar at the same time. Even though Aurore had been a beginner for 10 years at the guitar, she was easily accepted in the band because she wore short skirts. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to keep the drummer who unexpectedly disappeared one day and was never heard of again.

After this blow, the band easily survived. It wasn't long before the German label Marsh-Marigold records contacted them to release an album. Pierre and Aurore were then promoted singers and there they stayed ever after. Drummers came and went, and Matthieu still drums with Mumbly when he has the time.